Contact for Sustainable Development

The operations of the Talum Group are focused on creating added value in our products and services, enabling our employees and other stakeholders to enjoy a richer, higher-quality, and more fulfilling life. We adhere to the Group's sustainability policy, which outlines the most important areas of our activities:

  • Quality
  • Working conditions and human rights
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Environment and energy
  • Responsible sourcing of raw materials
  • Principles of legality and ethics

Public information regarding safety measures and procedures in the event of a major incident is available at

In our operations, we collaborate with various interested groups or individuals who seek specific information related to sustainability within their scope of work.

Questions from external stakeholders regarding sustainability, environmental management, and occupational health and safety are received and addressed by the designated officers in the Compliance Department.

Questions, suggestions, or compliments can be submitted through an anonymous form: Question for Talum
A response to the received inquiry will be provided to the interested stakeholder within 30 working days.